Old Bob Bauer says don’t you cry for me
‘cause I’m with the Menehune
runnin’ naked trough the trees.
Back from weeks on Kauai walking
In the forest under the sun, slurping mangoes
And making seed jewelry,
You told me the spirits taught you
How to listen beyond the machines, past the tinnitus
Roaring in your ears, so you could hear
The crickets playing their songs, and accompany
The wee folk on trowel or banjo.
The crickets know the Menehune
Like the leprechauns. Crickets rule
The midnight hour, sawing the music of night,
The right time to fiddle with magic.
For magic needs the dark like legends
And crickets do, and I need some magic tonight.
I need you, want to channel you, my dear
Dead friend, gypsy lover of all that breathes,
Because you told me you weren’t surprised
Cancer arrived—you said your mind invited it to be.
I don’t know what you meant by that. So,
Are you at peace with your anger, now,
That bad vibe you claimed to ride for several years?
I’m sorry, but it’s hard to buy that admission,
Since I never saw you truly angry (like me).
I know some things can’t be explained, and I hope
Anger didn’t bring cancer to you . . .
Because I’m so fucking angry I could break
Down. And I have no patience for the healing
Pettiness of routine, no reverence
For platitudes or prayers. All I want
Is to scream, to curse, to sing and cry,
To smash shit, to punch walls, to count stars
In the sky. I’m dying for a bottle of whiskey,
Dying to forget and understand the succession
Of corpses, this plan (if there is a plan) our passions,
Our dreams, the toys, the noise, and then . . . gone,
Just fucking gone . . . and what follows:
Heartache and tears—the fear of not being here,
Of leaving, of losing what we have.
But you knew all you had was the day—
Nothing to lose—you used it all up
Or gave it away, a love lesson you shared
With the Menehune, the crickets
And me—now hiding undercover, out of sight,
Waiting for the dark night to bless me
With your Old Timey twang, hat tipped back,
Hair awry, and that gypsy smile kicking up
A life-lust in each of us, the jitterbug
Dust of your free-wheeling polka dream.
Wow....that was so passionate/compassionate and obviously so heartfelt....raw painful...and beautiful.